Next Sunday in the Roman Catholic Church we will celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday, we will celebrate Jesus as the only good and true shepherd who gives his life for his sheep. This year the liturgy has selected a text from the Gospel of John that in my opinion accentuates the theme of unity between Jesus and his sheep (each one of us), unity to which we all aspire. We would not be reading this text if from the depths of our being we did not seek that profound unity. "As the deer seeks streams of water, so my soul seeks you, my God" (Psalm 42, 2). Unity that has a clear foundation: is the unity of Jesus with his Father.
Unity to which we aspire without ever fully achieving it. It is that this our life is so full of desires and struggles. Asking ourselves if we really recognize the voice of Jesus is a necessary spiritual exercise at all times in our walking as Christians. Indeed, many voices claim us daily. We cannot be naive and simply take for granted that our inclinations, interpretations, and purposes are identified with what Jesus proposes to us. It is not the Cartesian methodical doubt that is proposed to us; one that questions the existence of what we usually take for granted. It is about questioning all our certainties, even the Christian ones. Exposing our fragility, we make room in our being for the merciful and provident immensity of God. Then we will be able to distinguish the voice of Jesus from the multitude of noises.
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