For Catholics, "Amen" is perhaps the most dangerous word. The danger and courage it demands depend on the context. While saying "Amen" in agreement or at the end of a routine prayer is generally safe, it is the "Amen" in response to "The Body of Christ" or "The Blood of Christ" that holds significant weight. This "Amen" ties us to the profound love demonstrated by Jesus, who was executed for challenging the religious norms of his time that restricted access to God's love and mercy.
Jesus revealed that God's love is universally available to all who seek it sincerely, a radical idea that conflicts with the practices of his time. Saying "Amen" to the Body and Blood of Christ means embracing this revolutionary understanding of God's love and committing to live by it.
The Roman Missal describes the Lord’s Prayer as a “dare,” reflecting the intimacy with God that Jesus taught us. It also means daring to see everyone God loves as our brothers and sisters, a commitment that led Jesus to the cross and the fullness of God’s love.
Thank you for joining in this daring love and saying "Amen" to serving others through our mission. We reach out to those often neglected, providing services that help them live out their faith and strengthen their communities. Though most of us won't meet those helped by the Congar Institute, their passion and desire to improve their lives and serve their communities are clear. Let’s dare to say: “Amen!”
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