This liturgical year, we hear Mark's words in the Gospel for The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. Many artists have offered their vision of this moment in time on canvas. Each of us has a visual in our minds and imaginations. This last meal that Jesus shared with His disciples stood out in their memory and has captured the imagination of many to this day.
One element that stands out for me is the table. Sunday dinners are a cherished tradition in Italian families like mine, with many traditions shared through word and action. We have all experienced many different events around a table. Moments of celebration given and received. Some are with family and friends, and others are fellowship with strangers; some are also with sadness in our hearts for a person who is absent. Much more transpires at a table than consuming food, as did this last meal with Jesus.
At this moment in this Gospel, Jesus shared His heart, mind, and spirit. He shared Himself. “This is My Body, This is My Blood…”.
Every time we go to Mass, we, too, are given the same. He calls us to eat and drink in memory of Him. To live by His truth, walk in His way, and be His face for those He places in our lives. We not only receive the Eucharist, but we become the Eucharist for Him. We are sent to make a present in the world God’s love in all we say and do. We are called to pour out ourselves as Jesus did. We are the Body and Blood of Christ in our world today. Have we done this? Do we do this? Will we do this going forth?