According to Walter Brueggemann in his book, The Prophetic Imagination, the task of the prophet is “to criticize” and “to energize.” The intent is to criticize the present ordering of things while at the same time offering an alternative vision towards which the community of faith may move.
I believe that, often, some of us have a tendency to focus on the ‘criticizing’ without offering the vision of the alternative perception. For those of us who are Christians, that vision is the Kingdom of God that Jesus proclaimed and inaugurated.
During these last few challenging years, the media broadcasted stories of selflessness and generosity in the midst of illness, death, fear and isolation. Perhaps, some of us were the protagonists of these initiatives of care and concern; even if not broadcasted or published. These testimonies made the Kingdom of God visible and tangible. These actions were a source of energy and hope for many.
In the midst of the present, recent situations of polarization, war, challenges, uncertainties, etc.; we can be tempted to be pessimists. But we are called to continue providing the vision of the Kingdom of God and to live and witness the joy of God’s Kingdom—through selflessness and generosity, through service, respect, and understanding of one another—through Love!