Reflection on the Feast of the Body & Blood of Christ
From the Last Supper through his death, Jesus lived one long flow of breathtakingly deep, complete self-giving. Giving himself to his disciples, again he taught and supported them in word and action; but this time he also went further. He gave himself to them completely in bread and wine, become his body and blood. He would later that evening give himself completely to his Father in prayer and sweat and surrender. And the next day he would give himself completely to all through his crucifixion. These are all part of the one flow.
At that last supper -- How amazing, that Jesus, who knew what was coming, focused not on the horror but on how much he longed to be in union with his disciples! How amazing, that Jesus opened a path to create and share profound presence with them and with all of us down through the ages!
The next day -- How amazing, that in the face of inhumanity and brutality, Jesus remained fully human and humane throughout his passion and death! How amazing, that while nailed to the cross, he remained so fully and deeply present to those around him!
May we be drawn more deeply into Christ’s presence and complete self-giving. And may we, steeped in Christ’s gracious presence, ourselves be drawn into this one flow.