“A bruised reed he shall not break and a smoldering wick he shall not quench.” This promise, taken from the Book of Isaiah, appears in the first reading for today, the Baptism of the Lord. I once embroidered these words on a cover for my copy of Christian Prayer: The Liturgy of the Hours. At the time, I was thinking of them as they applied to me individually. But now I see the significance of taking them to a worldwide prayer, to touch and be touched by the bruises and burnout of others.
Recently a group of us were putting together the Christmas gifts for the Sisters in the house. We were one short of some item. The local coordinator and the Sister in temporary profession each thought that she should be the one to go without. This incident came to mind as I read the Gospel, picturing Jesus and John the Baptizer deferring to each other. “I need to be baptized by you.” “Allow it now for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Since Jesus and John work together that way, it is only fitting to follow their example.
Years ago, another Sister and I were attending a poetry workshop. In the parking lot, a gentleman said to us, ”I know who you are. You’re the people who put each other first.”
To live that deference, making each other more important than self, witnesses the love that binds us together in the community of the baptized. That love is surely a signpost on the road to the Kingdom.